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Sending messages

To open a new sending session dialog switch to the My Contacts tab in the main window, then select recipient from your contacts and click  New button on the toolbar or use Ctrl+S hotkey. You can select multiple recipients by pressing and holding Ctrl key.

For more information on how to organize your personal Contact List see the Organize Contact List topic.

If the Today's Messages tab is active then you can use the same  Reply button on the main toolbar or use Enter hotkey to reply to incoming message. You can also use Quick Answers to quickly and efficiently reply to incoming messages. To paste a quick answer, click on down-arrow near the right of Reply button on the toolbar, and select it from the drop-down menu.

Use Quick Answers on reply

By default, the sending dialog box shows you a message text field and conversation dialog. The conversation field includes all the sent and received messages and files to/from the selected recipient by your current online session.

You will be also able to see if your recipient types a message in his messenger client. Then "User is typing message..." event message will be shown below the conversation dialog. Please note that delivery of message typing events is controlled on the communication server and administrator may disable this feature.

Sending instant message

When your account type is set as administrative account type on the IM server, the "Urgent message" checkbox enables you to send urgent messages on groups and to other users. In that case you will also receive permission to send messages and files on all messaging groups available on the IM server.

It's a simple to send messages to offline users. Just select recipient from your contacts even he is displayed as not available, type your message and click Send button. Your message will be delivered and saved on IM server. Recipient will automatically receive the message when he goes online. When you send an offline message you see the following tip in the conversation dialog:

"[Your message has been saved on the server as offline. Recipient will automatically receive your message when he goes online]"

You can easily paste a Quick Answer to your message text, insert graphic emotions (smileys), format your text font and color that will be visible to your recipient. Use the toolbar above your message field in the sending dialog.

From the left to the right:

  • Paste a Quick Answer
    This displays a drop-down menu and allows to paste a Quick Answer to your message text.

  • Insert emotion (smiley)
    Displays graphic emotions list which can be inserted to your message text.

  • Text font
    Formats a font of your text message which is visible to message recipient.

  • Text color
    Formats a font color of your text message which is visible to message recipient.

  • Typing sound
    Turns off/on a typing sound when you type a message.

You can switch sending dialog to extended mode and access your Contact List and assigned Messaging Groups. To switch the mode click  Switch view button in the left lower corner of the dialog.

Extended mode shows your contacts in sending dialog